Meet our founder:
Sarah Geron

Sarah's Journey

My passion for the marine environment started at the age of 4 when snorkeling in the Maldives with my father.

This was also the first time I saw a shark and, rather than being afraid, I was excited.

There was something about sharks that captured my eye more than any other animal I had ever seen.

After numerous encounters with various shark species, I wondered why people were so scared of these creatures. To my eyes, they seemed so calm and nonthreatening.

Through the Save Our Seas foundation, I was able to dive around the world and better educate myself and others about the plight of sharks and other marine animals.

In 7th Grade, whilst on a school trip, I saw a Mako shark being sold at a local fish market. This was the moment I realized I needed to make a difference.

At the age of 13, I started the Save our Sharks website. I wanted to reach out to people and address the misconceptions about these creatures and the vital role they play in the marine environment.

The more I learned about our oceans I became increasingly concerned about the impacts of pollution, over fishing and global warming.

A year later, to make a greater impact, I decided to start my own conservation company; CO-EXIST PROJECTS.

I wanted to design my own eco-friendly clothing range to highlight environmental issues and help raise funds for marine conservation organisations, scientists and educators.

To achieve these goals, I’d like to partner with like minded individuals and organisations to support our projects and together, #helpsaveourseas.

sarah sarah
"My goal is to help the human race understand the vital need to Co-Exist in harmony with our oceans and the animals that live within it."


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